Issue Position: Financial Services

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Ever since the financial collapse of 2008, financial services and the banking sector have undergone intense scrutiny. There is no question that the banking industry contributed extensively to the precipitous and pervasive economic downturn.

Congress must work to ensure that the banking industry is following strict guidelines that will help increase the wealth of our nation. While regulation is necessary, we must remember that it is the quality of the regulation rather than the quantity of the regulation that should take precedence. At the time of the financial collapse, the banking industry faced more regulation than at any other point in history, but the regulation was evidently not effective.

Unfortunately, the Dodd-Frank Act is more of the same type of failed regulation and Congress should carefully study many of its provisions before they are instituted. Dodd-Frank does not correct the issue of "too big to fail," leaving the American people vulnerable to another bailout. Nor does it sufficiently address the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle. Congress must strive to find legislative solutions to these problems.
